Emotional Freedom Technique

Tapping, also known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), is a powerful stress relief technique. Tapping is based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology.  These Chinese acupressure points are connected to meridians that run through the body. Tapping on these meridian endpoints, while addressing the root cause of distress, sends a calming signal to the brain. This allows you to feel relaxed and in control.

EFT Tapping Helps:

Symptoms/Side Effects:

Addictions, PTSD, Heart Ailments, Hypertension, Weight Issues, Asthma, Self-Sabotage, Pain and Illness, Clutter and Procrastination, etc.


Shame, Guilt, Remorse, Rejection, Anger, Resentment, Sadness, Depression, Powerlessness, Fear, Anxiety, Stress, etc.


Detached parents, bullied growing up, abandoned/betrayed, abused in any way, over disciplined/criticized, physically punished, family fighting/shouting, unsupported or unloved, alcoholic parent, etc.

Limiting Beliefs:

“I can’t do anything right”, “I’m not safe, I’m not okay”, “I’m not lovable”, “I’m different”, “I’m not worthy”, “I’m not good enough”.

We use EFT tapping…

To Acknowledge

To process

To Understand

To Release

To Heal

… these symptoms/side effects, emotions and triggers, traumatic events and limiting beliefs to be able to move forward and live our best life.

Session Fees

Single EFT Tapping Session (90-minute session) $175

EFT Tapping Sessions-3 pack (3 x 90-minute sessions) $450

” I have struggled with high levels of anxiety for the last two years, and within these last two years I would try anything others recommended just to be able to enjoy my life again. I crossed paths with Leo, who introduced me to EFT tapping for the first time which instantly made me feel calmer than I ever have before. I did an EFT session with Leo the day before an event that I was anticipating anxious feelings towards, and it changed my whole experience for the better. I was able to enjoy my event without ANY anxiety which was a first for me, and I was able to be present in the moment instead of being in my head. I give all the credit to my session with Leo as it made me see my anxious thoughts in a positive aspect rather than a negative. 

Leo was so understanding, and patient when walking me through my first session of EFT therapy. He helped me determine my main anxieties, and how to turn them into something that does not define me, but rather make me a stronger person overall.”
