Spirit Guides: Circle of Fire Experience!
Meet a spirit guide and spirit animal
Let me take you through an interactive guided meditation to the “Sunset Holy Fire Gateway” to get to the “Circle of Fire” to meet a spirit guide and spirit animal! This is a 60-minute session that I guide you to meet a spirit guide and spirit animal that is either working with you or ready to work with you! We will leave time towards the end of the session for you to journal about your experience and to have a discussion.
Session Fee: $111
Secret Chakra Caves Experience
Let me take you on an interactive guided meditation to take you through a Holy Fire Gateway on a journey to the “Secret Chakra Caves” to reveal what is hidden in a specific chakra. We are looking for blockages from events, traumas and triggers that affect you in your life now! This is a scheduled 60-minute session. We will leave time towards the end of the session for you to journal about your experience and to have a discussion.
Session Fee: $125
Sanctuary of Insight
Let me take you on guided meditation to the Sanctuary of Insight! This is a place that I have created to “hold space” for you. This is a place where you may gain insight on life challenges that you may going through to see other possible perspectives. This is a place where you will meet up your higher self, spirit guides, ascended masters and loved ones in spirit! See, feel and hear what they have to share with you.
Session Fee: $111
Fire Gateway Regression
Let me take you on a guided regression meditation through the Summer Night Fire Gateway to look at your past is in this lifetime or a past life. The purpose of this is to uncover the unseen, subconscious experiences that have shaped and affected your life now. This regression will allow us to see past traumas or wounds that affect our lives and the ones around us. In identifying and understanding what and where these experiences come from will empower us to be able to get some control back in order to begin your healing journey!
Session Fee: $145