Mediumship Discovery Mentorship
6 month (24 weeks) program with 10 modules
We will have 2 sessions either in person or over zoom each month for 90 minutes! (Your first week starts the day of our first session!)
Module 1: What is mediumship and how does our chakra system affect our connection?
Module 2: Identifying the blockages and wounds in our chakras.
Module 3: How do these chakra imbalances show up and how to work towards a balance?
Module 4: Spirit Guides: Circle of Fire Experience!
Module 5: Preparing to connect and exercising our clair senses!
Module 6: Expectations for the medium and the sitter. How does information come from spirit?
Module 7: Distractions. What not to say? Managing a skeptic! How do we sense spirit?
Module 8: Life reviews and pets! How to handle delicate questions from the sitter?
Module 9: How does a session go with the sitter? Post session journaling!
Module 10-: Practicing one on one mediumship readings with other people, while Leo is there coaching you.
Mediumship Discovery Mentorship - $1300 in Full (Savings of $200)
Mediumship Discovery Mentorship – 6 Monthly Payments of $250
Mediumship Discovery Internship
Prerequisite: Complete the Mediumship Discovery Mentorship 6-month program prior to the Mediumship Discovery Internship!
The Mediumship Discovery Internship is a three-month program that you receive hands on coaching and practice readings with individuals either in-person or over zoom with Leo present, to continue your practice readings. You will receive 2 x 90 minute sessions each month with Leo.
3-Month Mediumship Discovery Internship - $600 in Full (Savings of $75)
3-Month Mediumship Discovery Internship - 3 monthly payments of $225
Spiritual Discovery Program
Everyone is on their own journey! Our lifetime is full of lessons! All of our experiences shape us.
Whether we are feeling stuck in life, or we’ve had experiences that are traumatic and bring our world to a halt, sometimes we don’t know what to do! These experiences make us feel lost and overwhelmed. We don’t always know what to do next. Intuitive Spiritual Coaching and Mentoring can help you find your internal compass! We can work together to help you find your compass to figure out where you are and what direction you need to follow. This process is not a quick fix! It takes time and patience. It also takes a lot of patience with yourself! Certain parts of the process will take less time and other parts may take a lot longer. There are also some things that may take consistent time and effort to stay on your path. We can work together to help you discover yourself and find your way!
My process involves a lot of questions to find answers about ourselves and current lives. We will have a lot of conversations, you will have homework to work on, I will refer you to resources and I will help you take action in finding your internal compass!
Program Details
You are getting to know yourself! Why are you feeling stuck or feeling like your world is crashing down on you? What are the feelings you are having to make a change? Why now? What are your limiting beliefs that are keeping you from starting to make a change? What are your core values and does your life match up? We will explore different relationships in your life. Are these relationships healthy? Do you need to and how to set boundaries? We will talk about manifesting what you want and how. We will talk about building new habits.
We will talk about positive and negative energy. How does energy affect us and others? Have you had any metaphysical experiences? How do you protect yourself from external energies? Setting up spiritual boundaries. We will talk about the clair senses. We will talk about the chakra system. How does our life affect our chakra system? What are some tools to help balance our chakras and ground ourselves?
We will talk about Shadow work. How do we identify our shadows? What are things that trigger emotional responses and why? We will explore your subconscious mind through meditation to help us discover traumas and wounds that have been created during your life that still affect you now. How do these traumas and wounds affect our relationships? We will talk about how to take what you have discovered and use it to move you forward in the direction you want to be going!
There will be things to work on in between our meetings. Throughout the program I will recommend books, YouTube channels, podcasts and other modalities that may be useful.
Commitment – 6 Months (24 weeks) Your first week starts on the day of our first in-person or zoom meeting.
You will get two 90 sessions with me in person or over zoom a month.
You will have access to email me or text me.
If you need an emergency session, we can figure that out.
Spiritual Discovery & Mentoring - $1300 in Full (Savings of $200)
Spiritual Discovery & Mentoring - 6 monthly payments of $250
Tap into Business Discovery
We will use the power of EFT Tapping to unlock your potential and move your business forward!
What is EFT Tapping?
Tapping, also known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), is a powerful stress relief technique. Tapping is based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. The basic Tapping technique requires you to focus on a negative emotion at hand. This can be a fear, a worry, or any unresolved problem. While maintaining your mental focus on this issue, you use your fingertips to tap 5-7 times on 9 specific meridian points of the body. Description from and more on EFT Tapping: TheTappingSolution.
Program Details
Commitment – 6 Months (24 weeks) Your first week starts on the day of our first in-person or zoom meeting.
You will get two 90 sessions with me in person or over zoom a month.
You will have access to email me or text me.
If you need an emergency session, we can figure that out.
Let’s Explore and Discover! What is your business or service you offer? Who is your target market? How do you market?
Explore your work life! What is your workflow of how you take on a new client and what is the route and flow your business hierarchy that your business takes in order for the client to receive their product or service that you offer? Let’s take a look at things that are not working as efficiently in the workflow.
Explore your personal life. What are priorities for you in your personal life? Are you making time for them? What is getting in the way? What are the obstacles?
Let’s look at different relationships. Who and what relationships are important to you? Are you making time for these relationships? What are the obstacles with maintaining these relationships?
How do you see yourself in different capacities? Who are you as a business owner, a partner/spouse, a father/mother, as a son/daughter, a friend? How do you think others see you?
What are the fears you have about moving forward with something in your business? Are these fears connected to personal or work life?
What are the messages you tell yourself in your personal life and your work life? What is the negative self-talk?
Identify Limiting beliefs – A limiting belief is a thought or state of mind that you think is the absolute truth and stops you from doing certain things. What are your limiting beliefs and where did they come from?
Let’s clear these limiting beliefs using (EFT Tapping) to remove perceived obstacles.
Let’s introduce new perspectives! We will use (EFT Tapping) to open up and tap in new perspectives!
Planning and goal setting! What are your fears around setting goals? What are your limiting beliefs? (Let’s tap these out!)
Executing plans! Setting Short-term goals and long-term goals. Using your calendar! Creating systems to help you get stuff done and follow through! (How to hold yourself accountable for this!) You have to take action. What is blocking you from utilizing tools? What is your self-talk and message to yourself? (We’ll do some more EFT Tapping if we need to.)
Accountability? Who can you be accountable to for keeping you on track and let’s put a plan in place?
Beyond this program I have a 6-month paid accountability check in. Business Discovery check in and we can do some EFT Tapping if needed! You pay for two, one-hour sessions per month. We will use this time to talk about what’s been happening in your business and any old/new obstacles you may be trying to work through.
What will you need for this program?
✔ A large notebook dedicated to this program. You will need the notebook to document what comes up in our sessions for you. What comes up during our EFT sessions?
✔ A calendar that can be paper, desktop or phone application; I use google calendar and have been very happy using that.
✔ Task List that can be part of your planner or google apps or any other productivity tools that work for your style.
✔ If we are doing zoom sessions, you will need a space where you are not distracted.
Tap into Business Discovery - $1300 in Full (Savings of $200)
Tap into Business Discovery - 6 monthly payments of $250
Tap into Business Discovery-6-month accountability program!
(2 x 1-hour sessions each month)
(We may use some more EFT Tapping as needed as well.)
(Prerequisite– Completing the Tap into Business Discovery program!)
First month starts on the date of our first in-person or zoom accountability session!
TBD-6-month Accountability - $1200 in Full (Savings of $150)
TBD-6-month Accountability - 6 monthly payments of $225
Chakra Discovery Journey
The Chakra Discovery Journey is a 14-month program that is broken down into four, 2-hour sessions, over 2 months for each chakra to journey, discover, process, integrate different modalities and begin the healing process. Your first month starts at your first session. In addition to reiki, I will also be incorporating EFT Tapping.
We will spend two months (four sessions) on each chakra:
2-Hour Session 1– You will be guided through an interactive meditation called the Secret Chakra Caves Experience to unlock your subconscious mind to reveal shadows connected to our wounds from our various life experiences. We will also go through a chakra affirmation exercise to see what resonates true for this chakra or reveal some reasons why they do not feel authentic. This will all give us clues about the state of balance for this particular chakra.
2-Hour Session 2 – We will use this session to continue to process the Secret Chakra Caves Experience and chakra affirmation exercise. There will be a lot of discussion around what was revealed in the previous session that will help us identify our triggers to our wounds and look at why and how it is affecting our current life and relationships. We will talk about your intuition, how to recognize it, whether or not you have been listening and how to practice and trust your intuition.
2-Hour Session 3 – We will use this session to take what we learned from processing the shadows and talk about ways to start the healing process to work towards a balance for that particular chakra. We will discuss different modalities that can be helpful with balancing our chakras. We will also talk about starting new habits and how to be consistent. We will also talk about how to set boundaries, physically, emotionally and spiritually with the various types of relationships we are connected to.
2-Hour Session 4 – We will use this session for me to do a 90-minute energy healing session on you working with Holy Fire Reiki, Crystal Healing and Sound Healing. We will use the last 30 minutes to discuss and process what came up during your energy session.
Paying in Full for Chakra Discovery Journey | $6300
(The whole 14-month program is 28 x 2-hour sessions. Paying in full brings the price for each 2-hour session to $225!)
Savings ($700 compared to 2-pay AND $1400 compared to monthly)
Pay for Chakra Discovery Journey in 2 payments | $3500 per payment
(Payments due prior to first session and prior to the 8th month of the Journey)
(The whole 14-month program is 28 x 2-hour sessions. Paying in 2 payments brings the price for each 2-hour session to $250!)
Pay for Chakra Discovery Journey monthly over the 14 months. | $500 per month
(The whole 14-month program is 28 x 2-hour sessions. Paying monthly brings the price for each 2-hour session to $275!)