Free Guided Meditation

This bonus meditation is my way of "holding space" for you! Use this meditation as often as you like to gain insight on difficult situations or circumstances you may be going through. Use this to connect with your higher-self, spirit guides, ancestors and loved ones in spirit to gain insight and different perspectives.

Download this free printable chakra guide to use as a resource. You can learn more about the chakras here!

Free Chakra Guide

Step-by-Step Guide to Working with the Moon

This step-by-step guide walks you through working with the moon cycles.

Find and Learn More About Your Spirit Animal

Visit Spirit Animal for your Ultimate Guide to Spirit Animals, Power Animals, and Totems.

Help for Sensitive Kids

Do you have a child that is very sensitive and very anxious?  Do they have trouble being in certain rooms alone?  Do they not want to sleep in their room alone at night?  They may be feeling all types of energies in your home that they don’t understand and can be scary!

In working with the Holy Fire® Reiki I have created “The Holy Fire® Suit of Protection” which is like an imaginary Iron Man suit.  It helps kids feel protected, safe and less afraid.  I have instructions that I can email you for “FREE”!  Just email me describing your situation and I will explain and email the instructions.  Once your child has put on and activated their suit they should feel stronger and more confident in setting some spiritual boundaries in your home for any unwanted energy that is around that is bothering them.